宿無し犬 / Yadonashi Inu aka Homeless Dog 1964 Subtitle (English)
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宿無し犬 (Yadonashi Inu / Homeless Dog) 是田中德三于1964年导演,田宫二郎主演的电影。是《犬》系列的第1部作品。英文字幕由coralsundy自费出资,jls001999听译制作完成。有少许错漏和语句不够流畅,可全程完整欣赏电影,适用于01:31:26的版本。

Yadonashi Inu / Homeless Dog (1964) is a 1964 movie directed by Tokuzo Tanaka, with notable stars Jiro Tamiya. This is the 1st movie in the Inu / Dog Series.

Translation/Subtitle: jls001999 (jls001999@gmail.com)
Review/Proofreading: coralsundy (coralsundy@gmail.com)
(Paid by coralsundy for the translation, personal use only)

中文字幕: 尚无
English Subtitle: Yadonashi.Inu.aka.Homeless.Dog.1964.eng.01-31-26.BYjls001999.rev1.srt

SUBHD: https://subhd.tv/a/531250
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0328667/
DOUBAN: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26987982/

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宿無し犬 / Yadonashi Inu aka Homeless Dog 1964 Subtitle (English) is published on 2022-03-04.