黑色死球 / 黒の死球 / Kuro no Shikyu aka Black Death Ball 1963 Subtitle (English)
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黑色死球 / 黒の死球 (Black Death Ball) 是瑞穂春海于1963年导演,宇津井健/藤由紀子主演的电影,大映《黑色系列》的第4作。英文字幕由coralsundy自费出资,jls001999听译制作完成。有少许错漏和语句不够流畅,可全程完整欣赏电影,适用于01:23:27的版本。

Kuro no Shikyu / Black Death Ball (1963) is the 4th installment of the “Black Series” from Daiei Film. It was directed by Shunkai Mizuho, with notable casts Ken Utsui.

Translation/Subtitle: jls001999 (jls001999@gmail.com)
Review/Proofreading: coralsundy (coralsundy@gmail.com)
(Paid by coralsundy for the translation, personal use only)

中文字幕: 尚无
English Subtitle: Kuro.no.Shikyu.aka.Black.Death.Ball.1963.eng.01-23-27.BYjls001999.rev1.srt

SUBHD: https://subhd.tv/a/524332
IMDB: None
DOUBAN: https://movie.douban.com/subject/34778331/

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黑色死球 / 黒の死球 / Kuro no Shikyu aka Black Death Ball 1963 Subtitle (English) is published on 2021-10-02.