事件 / Jiken aka The Incident 1978 Subtitle (Chinese/English)
🔗coralsundy [ 🔖subtitle , 🔖movie , 🔖jap_movie , 🔖eng_subtitle , 🔖chs_subtitle , 🔖1970s ]


Subtitles are only for personal use, no commercialized purpose or distribution for money. If you want to share them, please include proper ciation(s) to my site. If you want to translate to other languages based on the subtitles I provide, please cite the source in your subtitle. Thanks.





The English Translation that used in my Chinese re-translation is taken from the Internet. If contacted by the owner of the subtitle, I will take it off my site.

粤语中文字幕提供: chenchun8219
普通话中文重译/字幕轴重新校对: coralsundy (coralsundy@gmail.com)

中文字幕: Jiken.aka.The.Incident.1978.chs.02-18-19.synced.and.retranslated.BYcoralsundy.srt
English Subtitle Reference: Jiken.aka.The.Incident.1978.eng.ass

SUBHD: https://subhd.tv/a/515838
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0202932/
DOUBAN: https://movie.douban.com/subject/1303838/

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事件 / Jiken aka The Incident 1978 Subtitle (Chinese/English) is published on 2021-03-21.